Sunday, October 02, 2005

It's a country song waiting to happen...

I always get irritated when i go through an artistic dry spell. Up until today, it has been a good while since i've written any new material and suddenly i think that all the songs before were flukes. It's a challenge. It's not like singing where you can be persistent and keep trying until you get right. My stubbornness works against me. You can't just make inspiration, it comes to you. ( how profound of
Similar to many occasions. inspiration came while i was driving today. i had just got off the phone with my pal, jess, to whom i was ranting, again, about my unfortunate roommate situation (don't think i need to go when it all hit me. i need to write a song about aaron!!! within seconds i had a hook. i was walking around walmart, also known as walfart, singing it so i wouldn't forget it. hehe.
i've been writing for about six years, but it has taken awhile before i was comfortable giving myself the "songwriter" title. it was an endeavor i pursued in order to have something to fall back on. thus, in the beginning i had very little confidence in any creation. now, like singing, it's a wonderful, emotional outlet. i don't write songs for other people anymore, i write them for me. maybe once i finish this song i won't feel like i need to consistently complain and vent about aaron:) i may have to write a more than one.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've realized the two things that really blend to create original work--inspiration comes when it will, and writing for yourself.
Now you can describe an experience so thoroughly because you know it so well, and there is likely someone out there who understands and will take hold of this song when it reaches their ears.
Best wishes,

9:06 AM  
Blogger Becca said...

i think you've finally hit something, dee. you have to do this for YOU! that's when things will start to come together for you. yay!

p.s. i want to hear it tonight

2:41 PM  

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